... And other things I've learned in Utah
So far...
I had never realized until I moved here to Utah just how much my Grandma loves me. A check every birthday and ever Christmas is nice but spending time with her and hearing her stories. Her stories are almost as good as the one's my Mom told me as a child.
My Grandma's stories all seem to have a point to them, besides the pure entertainment that came with the stories I love to hear from my Mom. Sitting in the living room talking with me Grandma I learn so many things that I had never realized before. First of all I knew she was Canadian but I had never before known that she was born and raised in Canada. She didnt move to the USA until around when she went to college. I learned that she went to college at BYU. She met my Grandpa there. He was working as a janitor to be able to pay for the tuition. He was friends with her roomates. One of them even had a crush on him. She sure got her heart broken, huh?
I've learned that my Great-Grandmother, Zina Smith, served a mission. Her, my Great-Grandpa Smith and one of their sons all served in the same mission, the Eastern States Mission. Back when it was called that. It covered everything east of Iowa, according to my Grandma.
I've learned that despite what some ignorant people may think, I am in fact extremly German.
I've learned that sometimes after cancer, hair comes back the opposite of what it was. My Uncle got a rare form of cancer and once his hair started to grow back, it came back curly instead of its usual straight.
I've learned that I have an incredible little sister that is the smartest baby I know.
I've learned that, without realizing it, I talk and make gestures the same way that my Mom does. I want to look just like her if I ever grow up.

I've learned that I am good at the things I enjoy doing.
I've learned that I have people that notice when I'm not around.
I've learned that if I could turn back time and redo my life, I wouldnt change a single thing. I've learned that I am grateful for every experience I've had. I've learned that everything I have done and everything that has been done to me has made the the strong, independent, caring girl that knows if she sets her mind to it, she will change the world.
sounds like it has been a great summer for growing! love you